
I began to study cinema at the time of high school with the Artesettima association of Recanati. In 1999 won the first prize "Short Films Marche" with the short "Continue to be". In 2005 I graduated in Disciplines of Art, Music and Entertainment, Cinema at the University of Bologna in "History and Criticism of Cinema".
In 2007 I continued my training with the Master in Multimedia Content Design, Video Post Production in Rai Television in Florence. I'm also journalist, I'm in Italian Order of Journalists and I wrote for three years for the national Newspaper "Il Resto del Carlino”.
I realized documentary films and short films dedicated to social issues, such as migration, new citizenship, the fight against discrimination and human rights. The works have been recognized with prizes of national interest.
I'm working on my first feature film I'M A WITCH on development and selected at the In Progress 2017 Milano Film Network and on film documentary EVERYTHING IS HERE set in the earthquake zones of central Italy, finalist of the IDS Academy Doc Screenings 2018. My screenplay THE BREATHE OF LIFE was finalist at the Social World Film Festival 2018.
Among the works realized as screenwriter, director and editor, the most significant are:
NKIRUKA-IL MEGLIO DEVE ANCORA VENIRE a short fiction film produced by Studio Uno and winner of the Mibact "Migrarti Cinema 2017" award.
It was presented in the MigrArti section at the 74th Venice Film Festival. Won the first prize at the Migrarti Film Fest Caltabellotta, special mention "citizenship and legality" at the "Fluvione Corto Festival", "Best author film from the Marche"award at the XXX Fano international film festival, finalist at the International Short Film Festival "Black Silk Tulips", at Cinemigrare Festival 2018, at the Tertio Millennio Film Fest 2017, at the San Benedetto Film Fest 2018, at the Amarcort film festival 2018 and at the Dino De Laurentis Film Festival. Nkiruka was sponsored by the Fondazione Marche Cultura and the Marche Film Commission and Acsim Onlus.
IL MIO DIFETTO PIU'GRANDE a short fiction film produced by Enrico Fermi School, Macerata. The film was finalist at "Sottodiciotto Film Festival Torino", "Young public award at "Fuori Campo Film Fest 2019" and finalist at the "Social Film Festival Artelesia" 2019.
NON UCCIDERE I MIEI SOGNI a short documentary, special mention of the Festival of
Capodarco "Cortinclasse" and awarded in the competition of the Senate "Witnesses of rights" and finalist at the International Tour Film Festival of Civitavecchia and special mention at the 70th Anniversary national competition of the Universal Human Rights Declaration of the NGO Pro.Do.Cs. in collaboration with United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute.
HUNGER FOR BEES a documentary produced by the European Journalism Center of Brussels, selected at the Clorofilla Film Festival 2017, at the Moviemmence Cinefestival in Naples, at the Festival della Leggerezza in Colorno and screening at the Mercato Ritrovato / Cineteca di Bologna and at Fico Eataly World in Bologna.
DOVE FIORISCONO LE ROSE a short documentary produced by masterclass of Sguardi Altrove / Milano Film Network, screened at the Casa del Cinema in Rome and at the Spazio Oberdan in Milan in 2016.
BOUNDLESS a short documentary screened at Human Rights Nights Festival at Bologna Cineteca in 2015.
FLY a short film wan first prize winner at the CineFestival of Santa Marinella, Rome, official selection at the "20th Mestre Film Festival", at the ninth edition "Corto Corrente" and at the "Fuori Campo Film Festival" of Rome.
TUTTI I NOSTRI MOMENTI a documentary produced by IRC Macerata in 2014.
CINQUE INVERNI winning project "Europe for Citizien Amnesia Gulag" produced by the Department of Political Sciences, Communication and International Relations of Macerata with the support of the European Commission.
BITIM REW a short documentary produced by Equal opportunities and Information Desk of Macerata.
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF produced by Acsim Onlus and University of peace first prize for Expo Donna 2015.
RESISTO DUNQUE SONO first prize Theatrum Mundi Film festival 2013
WE HAVE A DREAM winner of the 2013 Nonviolence Award-Greenpeace in Rome 2013.

Behind the Camera

I began to study cinema at the time of high school with the Artesettima association of Recanati. In 1999 won the first prize "Short Films Marche" with the short "Continue to be". In 2005 I graduated in Disciplines of Art, Music and Entertainment, Cinema at the University of Bologna in "History and Criticism of Cinema".
In 2007 I continued my training with the Master in Multimedia Content Design, Video Post Production in Rai Television in Florence. I'm also journalist, I'm in Italian Order of Journalists and I wrote for three years for the national Newspaper "Il Resto del Carlino”.
I realized documentary films and short films dedicated to social issues, such as migration, new citizenship, the fight against discrimination and human rights. The works have been recognized with prizes of national interest.
I'm working on my first feature film I'M A WITCH on development and selected at the In Progress 2017 Milano Film Network and on film documentary EVERYTHING IS HERE set in the earthquake zones of central Italy, finalist of the IDS Academy Doc Screenings 2018. My screenplay THE BREATHE OF LIFE was finalist at the Social World Film Festival 2018.
Among the works realized as screenwriter, director and editor, the most significant are:
NKIRUKA-IL MEGLIO DEVE ANCORA VENIRE a short fiction film produced by Studio Uno and winner of the Mibact "Migrarti Cinema 2017" award.
It was presented in the MigrArti section at the 74th Venice Film Festival. Won the first prize at the Migrarti Film Fest Caltabellotta, special mention "citizenship and legality" at the "Fluvione Corto Festival", "Best author film from the Marche"award at the XXX Fano international film festival, finalist at the International Short Film Festival "Black Silk Tulips", at Cinemigrare Festival 2018, at the Tertio Millennio Film Fest 2017, at the San Benedetto Film Fest 2018, at the Amarcort film festival 2018 and at the Dino De Laurentis Film Festival. Nkiruka was sponsored by the Fondazione Marche Cultura and the Marche Film Commission and Acsim Onlus.
IL MIO DIFETTO PIU'GRANDE a short fiction film produced by Enrico Fermi School, Macerata. The film was finalist at "Sottodiciotto Film Festival Torino", "Young public award at "Fuori Campo Film Fest 2019" and finalist at the "Social Film Festival Artelesia" 2019.
NON UCCIDERE I MIEI SOGNI a short documentary, special mention of the Festival of
Capodarco "Cortinclasse" and awarded in the competition of the Senate "Witnesses of rights" and finalist at the International Tour Film Festival of Civitavecchia and special mention at the 70th Anniversary national competition of the Universal Human Rights Declaration of the NGO Pro.Do.Cs. in collaboration with United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute.
HUNGER FOR BEES a documentary produced by the European Journalism Center of Brussels, selected at the Clorofilla Film Festival 2017, at the Moviemmence Cinefestival in Naples, at the Festival della Leggerezza in Colorno and screening at the Mercato Ritrovato / Cineteca di Bologna and at Fico Eataly World in Bologna.
DOVE FIORISCONO LE ROSE a short documentary produced by masterclass of Sguardi Altrove / Milano Film Network, screened at the Casa del Cinema in Rome and at the Spazio Oberdan in Milan in 2016.
BOUNDLESS a short documentary screened at Human Rights Nights Festival at Bologna Cineteca in 2015.
FLY a short film wan first prize winner at the CineFestival of Santa Marinella, Rome, official selection at the "20th Mestre Film Festival", at the ninth edition "Corto Corrente" and at the "Fuori Campo Film Festival" of Rome.
TUTTI I NOSTRI MOMENTI a documentary produced by IRC Macerata in 2014.
CINQUE INVERNI winning project "Europe for Citizien Amnesia Gulag" produced by the Department of Political Sciences, Communication and International Relations of Macerata with the support of the European Commission.
BITIM REW a short documentary produced by Equal opportunities and Information Desk of Macerata.
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF produced by Acsim Onlus and University of peace first prize for Expo Donna 2015.
RESISTO DUNQUE SONO first prize Theatrum Mundi Film festival 2013
WE HAVE A DREAM winner of the 2013 Nonviolence Award-Greenpeace in Rome 2013.

I began studying cinema when I was seventeen.
In 1999 I won the first prize "Marche Film Festival" with the short "Continue to be".
In 2005 I graduated in Disciplines of Art, Music and Entertainment, Cinema at the University of Bologna. My thesis was in "History and Criticism of Cinema".
In 2007 I attended the Master in Multimedia Content Design, Video Post Production in Rai Television in Florence. Since 2018 I'm a journalist and member of the Italian Order of Journalists. From November 2015 to December 2018 I was a collaborator for "Resto del Carlino" newspaper. I'm a member of the board of the Turin Cinema Museum Association and director of the film magazine "Mondo Niovo 24 fst".
My films included documentaries and short films dedicated to social issues, such as migration, new citizenship, the fight against discrimination and human rights. These works are recognized as being of national interest and presented in some European festivals. Among the works realized as screenwriter, director and editor, the most significant are:
the documentary EVERYTHING IS HERE developed at the IDS Academy Doc Screenings 2018, winner of the Por Marche FESR 2014-2020 Marche Region and Fondazione Marche Cultura and Marche Film Commission tender and of the Piedmont Doc Film Fund June 2020 tender; the film is produced by Tekla Films and sponsored by WWF Italia; it was selected and screened at the following festivals: International Women Filmmakers Festival, Istanbul Spring Film Festival, San Benedetto Film Festival, Caorle Film Festival, 29th Film Festival della Lessinia, Marche Storie 2023, RIFF Awards, Glocal Film Festival 2024, Festival del Cinema Città di Spello 2024, Florence International Film Festival 2023. Prize UniPop Best documentary - Panoramica Doc at Glocal Film Festival 2024; special mentions at Istanbul Spring Film Festival, special mention at Florence International Film Festival, CineInchiesta 2023 award at the San Benedetto Film Festival.
NKIRUKA-IL MEGLIO DEVE ANCORA VENIRE a short fiction film produced by Studio Uno and winner of the Mibact "Migrarti Cinema 2017" award.
It was presented in the MigrArti section at the 74th Venice Film Festival. Won the first prize at the Migrarti Film Fest Caltabellotta, special mention "citizenship and legality" at the "Fluvione Corto Festival", "Best author film from the Marche"award at the XXX Fano international film festival, finalist at the International Short Film Festival "Black Silk Tulips", at Cinemigrare Festival 2018, at the Tertio Millennio Film Fest 2017, at the San Benedetto Film Fest 2018, at the Amarcort film festival 2018 and at the Dino De Laurentis Film Festival. Nkiruka was sponsored by the Fondazione Marche Cultura and the Marche Film Commission and Acsim Onlus.
The short fiction film WHAT IS LOVE? special mention at the Sottodiciotto Film Festival in Turin in 2022 and finalist at the Moscerine Film Fest in 2023;
IL MIO DIFETTO PIU'GRANDE a short fiction film produced by Enrico Fermi School, Macerata. The film was finalist at "Sottodiciotto Film Festival Torino", "Young public award at "Fuori Campo Film Fest 2019" and finalist at the "Social Film Festival Artelesia" 2019.
NON UCCIDERE I MIEI SOGNI a short documentary, special mention of the Festival of
Capodarco "Cortinclasse" and awarded in the competition of the Senate "Witnesses of rights" and finalist at the International Tour Film Festival of Civitavecchia, special mention of InCorto Festival 2019 and special mention at the 70th Anniversary national competition of the Universal Human Rights Declaration of the NGO Pro.Do.Cs. in collaboration with United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute.
HUNGER FOR BEES a documentary produced by the European Journalism Center of Brussels, selected at the Clorofilla Film Festival 2017, at the Moviemmence Cinefestival in Naples, at the Festival della Leggerezza in Colorno and screening at the Mercato Ritrovato / Cineteca di Bologna and at Fico Eataly World in Bologna.
DOVE FIORISCONO LE ROSE a short documentary produced by masterclass of Sguardi Altrove / Milano Film Network, screened at the Casa del Cinema in Rome and at the Spazio Oberdan in Milan in 2016.
BOUNDLESS a short documentary screened at Human Rights Nights Festival at Bologna Cineteca in 2015.
FLY a short film wan first prize winner at the CineFestival of Santa Marinella, Rome, official selection at the "20th Mestre Film Festival", at the ninth edition "Corto Corrente" and at the "Fuori Campo Film Festival" of Rome.
TUTTI I NOSTRI MOMENTI a documentary produced by IRC Macerata in 2014.
CINQUE INVERNI winning project "Europe for Citizien Amnesia Gulag" produced by the Department of Political Sciences, Communication and International Relations of Macerata with the support of the European Commission.
PRIMO APPUNTAMENTO showed ay Festival "Nudo di Provincia","Altrevisioni Film Festival","BonsaiFilmFestival" e "CieloCortoFestival"2014.
BITIM REW a short documentary produced by Women Information Desk of Macerata.
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF produced by Acsim Onlus and University of Peace, first prize for Expo Donna 2015.
RESISTO DUNQUE SONO first prize Theatrum Mundi Film festival 2013
WE HAVE A DREAM winner of the 2013 Nonviolence Award-Greenpeace in Rome 2013.